
In order to develop the cutting-edge digital skills needed to become proficient in Digital Evidence, eDiscovery, Data Security & Digital Forensic Investigation/ Prosecution & & Law Office Automation relevant to the 21st century law practice, our training is designed to target a wide range of groups.

Global Certification in Digital Fluency and Proficiency in Digital Evidence, Forensics, eDiscovery, and Law Practice Automation for the Bar.

Compliance Certification Program in Office/Litigation Automation, Digital Evidence, Exhibits Management, Forensics, and eDiscovery Processes.

Digital Fluency & Proficiency Certification Program, in Digital Evidence, Forensics, and eDiscovery in the Judicial Process.

Certification Program in eDiscovery, Digital Forensic Investigation and Prosecution for Law Enforcement Agencies

Compliance Certification Program in Digital Evidence, Exhibits Management, Forensics, and eDiscovery Processes. for Corporations (Banks, Telcos etc.)

Specialized Certificate Courses For Legal Practitioners, Law Enforcement Agents, Banks & Financial Institutions, Para-Legal.