Forensic Consulting Services

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Digital Forensics Investigation

At DECFI, our certified and seasoned digital forensics experts, comprises forensic investigators, certified fraud examiners, former law enforcement agents, certified digital forensic examiners, data analysts, system and network domain experts specialize in cyber incident response and investigations of data on computers, mobile devices, servers, and other digital devices.

  • Our experts have worked on numerous cases involving digital evidence, providing expert testimony and courtroom materials that clearly explain the evidence and methodology. In every case, our objective is to provide actionable and accurate results to our clients, often under strict guidelines and tight time frames.

  • Our team is dedicated to working closely with our clients through effective communication and planning to help you reach the best possible outcome in your case.

  • With locations across Africa and Asia, our digital forensics experts are near and ready to help. With teams, labs and data centers in the US, Canada and Asia, DECFI serves clients locally around the world.

Litigation Advisory on Digital Evidence & eDiscovery

On Pre-trial motions

Our digital forensics consultants can assist you in the technical portions when developing motions and orders to access evidence. In many instances, if the evidence is not asked for correctly with the proper technical terminology, it will result in receiving the wrong information or nothing at all.

Litigation Document Analytics

Leveraging state-of-the-art forensic technology and methodologies, our experts have years of experience finding and collecting evidence in a defensible manner, with chain of custody intact and minimal disruption to daily business operations.

In our in-depth analysis process, we seek to determine what occurred, how it occurred, and who the responsible parties could be.

Our experts have multiple years of experience handling all types of data including network, mobile device, social media, other cloud-based data and emerging data types that are subject of litigation.
Our digital forensics experts will be able to assist you in determining where valuable data is to enable you formulate your case strategies.

In the analysis phase, we aim to answer questions such as:

  • Did the employee engage in bad faith, providing sensitive information to outside parties?
  • Was a documented altered, forged, or otherwise manipulated electronically?
  • What actions did a user perform on specific dates and time frames?
  • Did the user attempt to delete electronic data?
    Did the user use anti-forensic tools to try and cover their tracks?

Evidence Protocol

For analysis of evidence in the digital domain, it is always desirable to put protocol in place. This gives a technical roadmap with a view to determining what happened in a case

Once the protocol is in place, a digital forensics expert will work with counsel and the information technology team where such exists to ascertain the location of relevant data and explain the various methods by which this data can be collected.

In the analysis phase, we aim to answer questions such as:

  • Did the employee engage in bad faith, providing sensitive information to outside parties?
  • Was a documented altered, forged, or otherwise manipulated electronically?
  • What actions did a user perform on specific dates and time frames?
  • Did the user attempt to delete electronic data?
  • Did the user use anti-forensic tools to try and cover their tracks?
  • Was company policy broken concerning acceptable computer usage?

Digital Forensics Expert Testimony

To provide Digital Forensics expert testimony in court, the expert must be qualified. In most cases expert qualification are always challenged by the opposing party. If that becomes the case, the counsel on whose behalf the expert must show that the expert has the necessary background experience. This includes questions related to the expert’s education, certifications, case experience, training, and special knowledge. Further, to be effective, an expert needs to explain complex technical issues in plain language.

Our experts are skilled at explaining technology in most accessible way to courts in a case.

In addition to this our experts can verify the work of an opposing expert to determine if the findings are valid. This process involves performing an independent analysis of the evidence to ensure the facts are accurate and that all evidence has been thoroughly analyzed.

Our experts can assist you in writing a direct examination for themselves and preparing a cross-examination for an opposing expert.

Regulatory Compliance

The rise of the digital economy is one of the defining moments of the 21st century, wherein corporations and Government regulators have struggled to keep pace with the increasing changes in business practices, technologies, and new growth areas within industries. Given this dilemma, Compliance is becoming a huge challenge. For instance in financial industry, regulation and compliance continued and meeting all the requirements is a constant struggle to stay up to date.

An era where customers’ profiles, digital identities, general and sensitive data, inevitably exposes each company and its private data to different forms of cyber risk. This is where regulations and compliance come into play. For a company who works in a digital environment and manages data, it is necessary to prevent any kind of cyber threat by choosing digital solutions, platforms or tools featured for being legally-compliant.

At DECFI our approach is to support our clients in meeting the Governance, Regulatory and Compliance needs in achieving practical, pragmatic and robust regulatory governance and internal control system; forensic accounting review of books and records to determine scope of violations and reconstruct financial records to actual events; assessment and evaluation of compliance program and background investigations of third parties to support internal investigation and assess ongoing business relationships

Social Media and Online Reputation Management

Social media forensics involves the collection, analysis, and storage of information, photos, videos, and other electronic evidence that are publicly available from social media sources for purposes of locating criminals and proof of its evidence.

When combined with online reputation management, it provokes various techniques and strategies that help push damaging, false and harmful content further down the Google search engine results pages (SERPs).

Whether you own a business or simply want to maintain personal reputation, DECFI online reputation management  and consulting provide strategies for shaping what appears in search results.

Contact us or submit a case today to learn more about how we can help you.

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