Welcome to Digital Evidence & Cyber Forensic Institute (DECFI)

At DECFI, we bring together legal communities within the Continental Bars; the Judiciary; University Law Faculties; Law Schools; In-House Corporate Counsel and other leading industry participants

with a view to
developing the cutting-edge digital skills needed to become proficient in Digital Evidence, eDiscovery, Data Security, Digital Forensic Investigation/ Prosecution, Law Office Automation & Management System, relevant to the 21st century law practice

Get Started on Digital Fluency in Todays Law Practice & Litigation

– A sine qua non for lawyers, the Judiciary and law enforcement agencies in the twenty first law practice and litigation.

Explore Our Certification Programs & Courses

For the Bar

Global Certification in Digital Fluency and Proficiency in Digital Evidence, Forensics, eDiscovery, and Law Practice Automation

For Law Firms

Compliance Certification Program in Office/Litigation Automation, Digital Evidence, Exhibits Management, Forensics, and eDiscovery Processes.

For judicial officers (Judges & Magistrates)

Digital Fluency & Proficiency Certification Program, in Digital Evidence, Forensics, and eDiscovery in the Judicial Process.

For Law Enforcement Agencies

Certification Program in eDiscovery, Digital Forensic Investigation and Prosecution

For Corporations (Banks, Telcos etc.)

Compliance Certification Program in Digital Evidence, Exhibits Management, Forensics, and eDiscovery Processes.

Specialized Certificate Courses

For Legal Practitioners, Law Enforcement Agents, Banks & Financial Institutions, Para-Legal.

Our Training Tools

Our training tools (resources); The Book, Attorneysbrief, Logikdoc and ExhibitSecure provide best-in-class tools that illuminate critical insights, ensuring maximum learning experience by all participants leading to proficiency in Forensic Technology, Digital Forensic Investigation/Prosecution, Evidence in the Digital Domain and Electronic Discovery in emerging legal community.

Training Resource Tools

The Book

Digital Evidence & eDiscovery Law Practice


Law Practice Management System


Electronic Document Discovery Management System


Digital Exhibit Management, Authentication, Security & Trial Presentation

Digital Forensic Lab

Meet Our Faculty

DECFI fosters strategic, cross-disciplinary relationships among experts in law, digital forensics, Artificial Intelligence, smart urban planning to address the pervasive nature of digital investigation, forensics and litigation. DECFI is proud to have in its faculty an array of distinguished multifaceted experts with outstanding academic credentials and extensive subject-matter experience who bring their diverse practice experience to the classroom.

Group Training

Group Training may be organized for specified group as listed

Forensic Consulting Services

Digital Forensics Investigation

Regulation & Compliance

Litigation Advisory

Online Reputation Management

Institutional Partnership

Digital Evidence and Cyber Forensic Institute (DECFI) Seeks Collaboration and Partnership with

Universities and Training Institutions in Africa interested on Proficiency training in Forensic Technology, Digital Forensic Investigation/Prosecution, Evidence in the Digital Domain and Electronic Discovery in imerging legal community.

Our Technology Partners

We partner with GoDigital.ng, a brand of LawData Communication Solutions Ltd., Trustwave Secure Pvt. Ltd. India and Mibiz Forensic Lab India to deliver the necessary skills to Legal Communities Within The African Bar: The Judiciary; University Law Faculties; Law Schools; In-House Corporate Counsel And Other Leading Industry Participants, in the development and acquisition of the technical knowledge in meeting the demand of the critical domain of emerging eDiscovery, digital evidence & Forensics.

Post Law School Program

Africa Millennial Lawyers - The Digital Natives

The Early Bar

How fit are our early bar (1 to 5 year post call) within the Common Weath African Bar to practice law in the 21st century digital environment?

With the amount of electronic data that traverse the digital eco-system, no 21st century lawyer is likely to succeed without knowledge of digital evidence and eDiscovery issues and their applicable methodology. A competent litigator must understand such electronic concepts of evidence in the digital domain and electronic discovery processes pertaining to document requests, production and analysis. He must also competently discuss technology-assisted review or predictive coding and defend the methods that their eDiscovery providers use. Above all, every lawyer needs basic knowledge of:


After finishing a course at DECFI, former students are welcomed into the alumni community. The Institute recognizes alumni as its greatest ambassadors and takes special pride in the vital role they play in implementing and spreading the knowledge they acquired during their studies.


What our clients say