Digital Evidence and eDiscovery
Law Practice in Nigeria
By Emeka Arinze Esq.
LL.M, M.I.T (Info-Tech), CBSP, DEA, CCI, CFP
Certified Digital Forensic Attorney
Digital Evidence and eDiscovery Law Practice, a 1300 paged book, is an Electronic Evidentiary Tool for 21st Century Law Practice, for Admissibility of Digital Evidence, Digital Forensics for Lawyers & Law Enforcement Agents & Management of eDiscovery Law Practice, for the Bar and the Bench. This book, though in printed form, also has an automated version.
Acquisition of the book gives the user access to the ePlatform of the book and Training engagement where desirable.
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Excerpts from the forward written by
Hon. Mr. Justice Walter S. N. Onnoghen, GCON.
(Former Honourable Chief Justice of Nigeria)
The author has opined, "as lawyers and judges, we cannot walk away from the overwhelming majority of the evidence that may be lurking in the computer hard drives, networks and other devices. Not having digital discovery skills is a ticking time bomb in the 21st century law practice. A pervasive lack of knowledge about electronic data, coupled with experience grounded exclusively on paper discovery, makes it hard for lawyers and judges to meet the challenges of digital data discovery. We must, therefore, learn to master electronic discovery and at its extreme, exploit its powerful sub-discipline, digital forensics". I agree no less with this postulation.

Counsel and the court must therefore stay abreast of changes in the law and its practice and understand the benefits and risks associated with relevant technology; and in addition to their legal expertise, must also have enough knowledge in different areas of technology and forensics to enable them identify issues, understand concepts, contribute to teams and connect ideas across disciplines. Above all, every lawyer and the court need basic knowledge of how the Internet works; how computer systems, tools and storage functionality are preserved; how digital forensic investigations are conducted; understand forensic expert evidence and a host of other electronic dynamics relevant to the 21st century litigation.
“For the bar and the bench to fit into the emerging disruption of analog domain of our earlier practice and adjudicatory processes, this book brings the tripod of justice (the lawyers, the bench and the prosecuting agencies) up to speed on the sweeping changes in law and technology with due regard to the use of digital evidence, eDiscovery processes, digital forensics and basic understanding of forensic expert evidence in our courts in course of trial. It ultimately impacts on the potential knowledge inherent in electronic document in streamlining the pre-trial, trial and adjudicatory processes in a world meshed in digital technology”.
Prof. Oghenemaro Festus Emiri SAN
For book cost & placing order, visit

Certification Training for lawyers, Judges, Magistrates, Law Enforcement Agents in Africa, Asia, North America and Europe
Digital Evidence and Cyber Forensic Institute (DECFI) Nigeria in collaboration with Mibiz Cyber Forensics Laboratory, India’s premium organization in Digital Forensics, Cyber Security, Investigation & Intelligence services and Trustwave Secure Pvt. Ltd India – the application providers, have developed
Global Certification Program for Lawyers, Judges, Magistrates, Prosecutors, and Law Enforcement Agencies in Africa, Asia, North America and Europe with a view to developing the cutting-edge digital skills for Digital Fluency & Proficiency in Digital Evidence, eDiscovery, Digital Forensic Investigation/ Prosecution, Law Office Automation, relevant to the 21st century law practice through the implementation and familiarization with relevant tools such as the AttorneysBrief, Logikdoc, and ExhibitSecure.
For information & registration, visit